Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bob Gay- what a thoughtful man.

Joe Summerhays
  • Mary, I have sent this to Jim, but I paste it here for your enjoyment. Your painting of the Nauvoo temple made quite an impact on Bob Gay. I sent a note with it indicating that even though the name said Mary Adams Summerhays, that you are a great great great granddaughter of Hyrum Smith.
    Both Truman Madsen and Elder Ballard have given Bob a personal testimony tour of Nauvoo on separate occasions. Nauvoo is also one of the places his prodigal son joined him on his return to the fold. So his words below are extremely heartfelt. I can think of no greater honor for an artist, to hear of the stirring of a soul responding to your vision out of your earshot. What a blessing you've bestowed.

    Here is his response ( I had the painting delivered via his son Chris. )

    "Joe A belated thank you for this note---this is one of those life changing moments—we are headed to the Central America area presidency in August but will be in Ct for part of July—would love to get together—Hope you, Holly and the kids are well--- Now on another note—Chris gave me the watercolor print you gave him to give me---I will cherish this as one of the most special gifts I have ever received—I am touched to my core—it has more meaning for me than you will ever know —it will hang in my office in Guatemala---Bob"

    (Hi,  this is me writing,  in parenthesis because I don't want to break the reverie--   This guy is a billionaire business partner with Mitt Romney; Just called as a General Authority in Guatemala. I don't even know what to say,  I am so flattered that he would take the time to make such a sincere note of gratitude.  Wow.)

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