I wanted to give you a sneak peak at my Spring show-

A place synonymous with Eden;
The core of our Temple worship;
The place where God walked with his son in the "cool of the day;"
It is the place where we discover our Relationship to God;
The place we Embrace those we Love.
Each of my garden paintings is Reminiscent of this idyllic place, where our relationships are created, solemnized, and celebrated.
They are Symbolic of the Many Paradises in our lives -
be it Home or Temple,
the Embrace of a loved one,
or the ultimate promise of eternal Union.
Each is a garden flourishing
beneath the boughs of the Tree of Life.
Join me Valentines Day, 1-3pm
at the University Village Deseret Book
as we
celebrate the place where Love began.
I'll be doing a demo, giving free
gifts, and much more.
Now that the show is over most of these pieces should be available on my Etsy shop.